Will everyone become a freelancer in the coming next 10 to 15 years?

Will everyone become a freelancer in the coming next 10 to 15 years?

There's no clear answer as to whether or not everyone will become a freelancer in the next decade or so. It's possible that the freelance economy will continue to grow, but it's also possible that traditional employment will make a comeback. Only time will tell!

There's no doubt that freelancing will play a major role in our future working lives. While many of today's workers are swapping long commutes, outdated workplace hierarchies, and the nine-to-five grind for the freedom to be their own boss and set their own hours, the fact is that not everyone will.

There has been a decline in traditional employed workers, but that model is not going to disappear entirely. There are still plenty of people who want to freelance but don't have the skills or temperament to do it successfully. And there are also those who don't want to freelance and are unlikely to change their minds.

Instead, future work teams may more closely resemble crews, with a core unit of traditional employees hiring specialists for results-oriented, project-based work. This way, everyone has the chance to contribute their unique skills and knowledge to the team, and the team can succeed as a whole.